Given that relationships are not a subject taught in school nor a subject many families will ever dare to discuss at home any wonder so many people look for Relationship guidance in later life particularly when their relationships fail. Be that couples or the family structure breaking down.
How many of you were taught about the challenges personal relationships will bring
Relationships go through good and bad times and dealing with this is vital. Not knowing how to deal with these problems is the main reason why relationships fail.
Through our work as relationship coaches we often meet with clients who are looking for relationship guidance when going through either a downhill relationship or having just come out of a relationship and at times still searching for ‘the one’.
Wouldn’t it be great if prior to entering a relationship you had an insight to a potential partners personality based on their inherent astrological qualities combined with birth order sibling rivalry and their family dynamic.
‘Life felt empty and meaningless before my partner came into my life
I needed that one person who would encourage me to be open and honest about my inner demons and most of all my inner fears without the fear of rejection or criticism.
I now fear the emptiness and loneliness returning if my partner were to leave’

Over the years we have been contacted by people who tell us they got into a relationship at a time in their life when they didn’t feel terribly good about themselves and they become their worst enemy
I don't want to be married just to be married. I can't think of anything lonelier than spending the rest of my life with someone I can't talk to, or worse, someone I can't be silent with
Mary Ann Shaffer
Planets and Zodiac Signs stamp their unique effect upon us from birth and in turn play their special role within our relationships which require lots of effort and trust.
Understanding and communication are the key to happiness and this is found when there is a strong connection between a couple, and families.
Humans have a common need to belong and to love which is ordinarily satisfied within an intimate relationship. In the rush to find "the one"
Many people ignore their own inner needs choosing instant gratification and worse end up failing to recognise their partners needs and desires!
As you grow older attitudes toward life and relationships may well change
People can spend a huge part of their life looking for their perfect partner and perfect life, with repeated relationship breakdowns and ultimate unhappiness from the pain this kind of cycle brings. (Social and cultural background from childhood to adulthood play an enormous role in the way people approach relationships)
Given that people generally shift between relationship approaches through their life due to personal circumstances, it is important to understand and recognise the four relationship approaches and how they link to relationship phases