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Parenting & Astrology
With so many people saying they don't put much faith in parenting and astrology connected. It is surprising that at the same time they are aware of their Sun sign such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on.
Parenting and Astrology
Sun sign Astrology has worked side by side with world famous Psychologist Carl Jung's Theory of Synchronicity. The Sun being the most important in a chart was adapted by a man called (William Frederick Allan) known as Alan Leo who revived Astrology in the early 19th century after its decline in the 17th century.
Here at Parenting and Astrology we have identified 12 unique parenting astrology styles based on Sun Signs.
Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn
Leo Scorpio Aquarius Taurus
Sagittarius Pisces Gemini Virgo
'To The World You Are One Person, and to One Person You are The World' Parenting with Astrology will guide you in recognising the unique personality traits of your children and yourselves by looking at all zodiac signs and most importantly the Rising sign also known as the Ascendant. (a date and time of birth is required) Even a pair of twins can have different Rising signs.
First impressions last, and that's exactly what a Rising sign is.....it is sign of the zodiac which was rising over the Ascendant at the time of your birth hence its name Rising/Ascendant.
It is the switch you press when first meeting people and this is how your kids will react to the people they meet long before they will allow their inner characteristics to be visible.
Parenting and Astrology from Parentstrology focuses on Zodiac signs, Birth Order, Family and Social Background, Relationship Attitudes which all play their part in a person's unique make up which incidentally the best dating sites all over the world, prospective employers and of course Parents would want to learn more about. As a parent you cannot afford to ignore this.
Parenting and Astrology isn’t an attempt to pigeonhole people or label them. It’s an amazing system that offers us all a profound way to see ourselves and our kids from a whole new perspective, making us as parents less judgemental and more accepting of our children's choices.
We are living in a society where there is a form of virtual parenting. Parents checking on their kids social media accounts for personal reasons whatever they may be. This virtual parenting is aimed more towards teens and young adults and sometimes parents just checking what their adult kids are up to.
Given social media is still in its teens, as time passes both parents and kids could find themselves with completely different attitudes towards social media.
We are still very much in the learning phase of social media and it is so important that we as parents manage our kids social media use as best we can else kids will ultimately look beyond their family setting, attaching themselves to people they meet online who share the very same emotional vulnerabilities.
Parents having passed this phase of their life years earlier minus social media can most of the time see the wrong and right in their kids choices
Who are these people your kids will be interacting with and sharing a part of their life they have decided to exclude you from
When baby arrives he or she bring their astro characteristics on board the family train. Compatibility of zodiac signs will play an enormous role in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each individual of the family.
As the beautiful tween becomes a teen the parents own relationship is tested to the limits with many couples putting their marriage on the back burner due to the weakness of one parents affection for a challenging child.
These kinds of misunderstandings are so incredibly unavoidable if families would take the time to understand that being part of a family does not mean compatibility is automatic.
Parenting with Astrology looks at a combination of your birth chart and your child’s birth chart which can tell you a lot about the relationship you have with your child.
You must also recognise the impact of Relationship attitudes, Culture and the role Society plays along with your sibling rank compared to your child sibling rank.
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