Cheating in a Relationship


Most people already know the answer before they even ask. However given the time a person invests in their relationship it is only normal to want some guidance on such a big decision. Cheating in a relationship has become very common practice

There are some questions you need to ask yourself:

  •  How well do you and your partner communicate?

  • Was it emotional or physical cheating?

  • How have family reacted to the cheating?

  • What impact would leaving the relationship have on your  family?

  • Was the cheating a good person making a bad choice or a lost soul making endless bad choices?




Aries cannot help but cheat on their partners on the best of days. They like to move around generally and the people they meet while constantly on the move become their guilty pleasures. The worst part is that they won’t even deny it; instead, they will blame the victim.

They blame the victim to ease their own subconscious guilt and to justify their actions; that is how they are able to walk around with a guilt-free conscience.

Aries individuals also have strong defense mechanisms which help them in justifying the cheating behavior. As long as they believe that they did it for a reason, no one can make them think or believe otherwise.


Taurus individuals are loyal and they almost never cheat. It can be pretty hard to be cheated on by a Taurus because they are true and sensual lovers. When they stop loving you or find someone they love more than you, it can be really difficult to deal with the pain.

 They make a relationship worthwhile and losing all of it to another person can potentially break you.


Gemini usually cheats on their partners with those who are in close proximity to them. Yes, most cliched "he cheated on me with my best friend" situations involve Gemini on the giving end. They target those who are in your close circle. 

It is hard to respect monogamy in its purest sense and although they might keep this belief a secret, their actions will speak.


Cancers are not the best cheaters and that is why, they get caught right away. They are sensitive and loving people who are always in search of the right person but, at the same time, they are afraid of breaking your heart.

They will either inform you right away about their feelings for someone else or get really anxious trying to keep the news inside.


Cherish their peace and comfort beyond all and would have no problem sleeping with one person for the rest of their lives as long as they are at peace.

They find it easy to love just one person because of all the comfort and all the perks it brings along. 


Virgos are masters at cheating. They can keep the cheating going on pretty much for the rest of their lives without their partners ever finding out. They pre-plan everything by imagining every possible scenario of them getting caught.

Virgos are also known to keep at least one backup with whom they’re emotionally attached.


Cheating in a Relationship


Libras have mastered the art of deception. They can date two or more people for an indefinite amount of time without anything getting suspicious. They keep multiple backups even if they do get caught.

Libras are also very good at convincing people into doing what they don’t really want to.


Scorpio cannot really cheat on their partners because they take relationships very seriously. Once in, they only get out when they are forced to. 

They know how it feels to lose a loved one and understand the pain, which is also why they refrain from cheating most of the time! They are also honest about cheating when they do cheat.


For Sagittarius, cheating in a relationship is a game and they love to play it. They jump from one opportunity to the next and, in most cases, they always have a few dates lined up already. In fact, that is the only time they have fun with their lives.

They feel no difficulty in having intimacy with their partner and finding someone new just a few weeks later. They are the ultimate players.


For Capricorns, cheating is not a big deal. They will not regret cheating and they will not care how their actions have affected another person. They are also clever at anticipating your possible moves which is why they won’t be caught for a long time.

When they are caught, sooner or later, they will either try to justify their action or they will pretend to be apologetic.


Aquarius cheaters, on the other hand, are emotional cheaters. They get attached too soon and end up falling for the person that is not their partner. Their conscience is not mature enough to stop them from drifting away every time.

Although cheating in a relationship can be considered a moral flaw, some people like to refer to it as a weakness. They want to be found out not because they are hurting you, but because they hate the stress. So even here, they are being selfish. 


Pisces are very clever individuals who are able to get away with anything using their elaborate scheming. Due to their cleverness, they usually never get caught before it’s too late.

Pisces cheaters do get caught but take their time and keep the victim in the dark for long.


Is cheating in a relationship something you could move past, for many people the answer is yes. For the sake of children, family, culture and security and fear of stepping into another relationship which could be potentially worse. 

If you want to learn more about steps to a successful relationship read on....

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