Relationship ADVICE
Both my great Grand fathers and grand fathers were spiritual healers in Delhi India my father Prof Mirza carried this tradition through the generations providing Palmist readings since 1965. After my graduation in Law and completing The Legal Practise Course in central London I continued to study and work focusing on Family Counselling applying what I had learned from my studies. I knew that there was so much more input I could offer in my work, born into a family of spiritual healers I had grown up seeing the amazing work my father and Uncles were doing and wanted to work merging my and my father's work. After all we were doing the same work but under the umbrella of Palmist and Counsellor.
That's when I decided to learn more about Astrology and how it impacts us all in our relationships.
In 2000 we founded Parentstrology a Mindset life coaching system created to apply Parenting Astrology Birth Order Sibling Rivalry and Childhood Experiences to all relationships. The results were amazing and the hard work paid off.
NOW we want to share this with you
Prof Mirza has been a celebrity palmist for over 50 years with clients from Film TV Theatre Sports Politics and Royalty. The BBC filmed a reading with Lady Antonia Fraser in the 80s.
When I was studying Law at University I met many students who were getting into relationships, falling behind in their studies and looking pretty miserable. There were also students who had found the love of their life at University.
Some of my own University friends would talk about their parents fighting "all the time" or siblings who never really connected and some students who had fought to even be at University because culturally their family did not want to send their child out of their hometown.
A lot of what I was seeing had its roots in childhood experiences, birth order and sibling rivalry and of course Relationships minus Astrology
Beyond The Looking Glass:
Almost nobody has rational thinking when they are first attracted to someone and almost nobody wants to hear home truths about the new attraction.
Who wants to be told their new attraction IS NOT the petal of roses he or she appears to be.
Parents can end up the enemy when all they are trying to do is protect you.
Siblings can distance themselves because they just do not see eye to eye anymore.
There is a way to live a happy life allowing you to focus on what works for YOU
YES you are right there is a better way to communicate with loved ones without arguments or misunderstandings
Relationships require a lot of hard work and patience, we should recognise the impact of childhood relationships, culture, birth order, sibling rivalry, and astrology.
However so many people just don't do it. They accept they want to improve their relationships but they don't know how or where to start. It is easier to just hope.
If you are not happy in your relationships nothing else around you will matter
In 2000 I founded Parentstrology with my father Prof Mirza
Mastering Successful Relationships
Communication skills improve your life, at work and at home. Here's how to get started:
Can influence how we behave in Relationships and can provide the clue as to why we repeatedly have the same relationship problems.
Whether you are a First Middle Last or Only child, birth order provides a great insight to your relationships with Astrology working its magic
Testimonials from 1979-

" Professor Mirza gave me a reading some years ago. Most of his predictions have come to be 100% accurate. I have written about his predictions in my memoir 'From Tragedy to Triumph: Journey Back from the Edge' The book can be seen on Mirza is an amazing psychic and a specially lovely man."
Jessica E Taylor - Author
Recognise the Signs of a Cheating Partner
Are Some Signs More Likely to Cheat
Why do People Cheat in their Relationships
Birth Order Sibling Rivalry
Parenting Compatibility
7 Billion People 1 Rising Sign
Free Relationship Advice
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Connecting Relationships with your Sun Signs
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