Are Some Zodiac Signs More likely to cheat
The most commonly asked question is ‘are some zodiac signs more likely to cheat than others?’
In answer to this, there's no one sign that is more or less likely to cheat. It comes down to what makes each zodiac sign most willing to cheat.
It is not Astrology and zodiac signs which dictate infidelity - when the topic of infidelity is brought up the attitude/s of families towards infidelity, cultures and life experiences have a huge impact towards attitudes and behaviours
Put simply it is about the risk of being caught and whether the consequences of being caught would outweigh the thrill of cheating.
Their are different factors to take into consideration when looking at a potential partner or current partners and these combined may help to recognise potential cheats.
In many cultures it is almost accepted that a man will cheat and use the excuse of his partner’s constant arguing or lack of respect as the reason he has cheated whereas a woman would more than likely be cut off from a family unit and be considered a woman not to be associated with.
Humans have two basic desires in relationships. The first is emotional hunger and the second sexual hunger. How these desires differ from one zodiac sign to the other is actually not relevant given so much more is at play
These are some of the common reasons why certain zodiac signs look for sexual fulfillment outside of the primary relationship. Loneliness and escaping the monotony of marriage, revenge, self esteem and unfortunately selfish people out for what they can get.
Virtual second life is becoming a very popular platform for these feelings to be expressed without the fear of coming out in the open.
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"If you don't like something try to change it
if you can't change it
change the way you think about it"
Recognise the Signs of a Cheating Partner
Are Some Signs More Likely to Cheat
Why do People Cheat in their Relationships
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