dealing with infidelity
How To Deal With Infidelity
Infidelity and the shame of being cheated on is probably the worst thing a person could experience in a relationship, the important thing is whether the relationship will survive.
How the infidelity comes in the open will hold the key in answering this question.
First the couple need to talk.
The one who has been unfaithful needs to be absolutely honest for the reasons why they cheated and ensure their intention now and moving forward is to make amends for the past.
If admitting to cheating is due to being caught it is likely that cheating will occur again as the confession has not been brought out by conscience.
There Will Be Anger
Naturally there will be immense anger and hurt from the victim of infidelity, you will need to be extremely patient. You need to accept that for some time your activities will be closely monitored.
Haunted by questions "Was the other person better in bed, better looking, what do they do that I do not". You are bound to be asked these kinds of questions by the victim of infidelity who needs to know the reasons why.
Use your eyes and ears with precision to understand what your partner is saying and needs to hear. Communication skills will be required like never before. Compare your Mercury signs.
Time May Heal
For those who are able to forgive, the relationship will require a huge amount of effort to get things back on track the way they used to be. Sometimes the victim of the infidelity can make excuses for their partners cheating and will be more open to forgiving.
Again it all depends on each individuals attitude towards infidelity. Different cultures, religion and society play a very big part in deciding what is acceptable.

Common sense is to tell your partner how you feel. Remind them why you fell in love and the dreams you shared together. Learn to get to know your partner all over again, couples can fall out of touch even though they live under one roof. That is the problem; taking each other for granted assuming tomorrow will definately come for the two of you. What if it does not? There will be so many things you will wish you had said and things you wish you had done. Being so busy with life you just did not get the chance.
Well make that change now. Get talking with your partner and learn to fall in love again, and not only share those dreams but make them a reality together.
Believe In One Another’s Capabilities
Compliments and encouragement will ensure the two of you do not feel the need to fall victim to fanciful compliments from someone outside of the primary relationship.
Many women are left at home to look after the kids whilst some also hold down jobs, rush home to get the dinner on whilst tidying up the mess the kids have made. By the time husband gets home wife may be exhausted, fed up and simply craving a good night sleep. Husband on the other hand may have other plans and then begins the...'is that all you ever think about.....spare a thought for my this my worth....well make it quick!
When a man settles down he is aware things will change, he has had his last first kiss, things will not be as exciting due to increased financial commitment, working hours take over especially when there is only one financial provider to take care of the family......but one thing he never counted on was you lacking interest in him. This is the man you found attractive, sexy, good looking and great in bed and now its all just a chore! Learn to respect one another in order to be respected.
Find Time
Once in a relationship which involves children, a parent may have to wear many hats of responsibility from mother, father, worker, cleaner, chef, husband, wife and listener of all problems. A couple may be working long hours coming home tired and find the best excitement is jumping into bed and falling asleep...ahhh bliss.
Imagine a situation where the relationship was money and you were on a strict budget of £24 (24 hours) a day to spend on all those responsibilities above. Let us assume you spend £6 on work, £10 being a parent, £3 being the cleaner £4 being the chef £2 as the listener leaving a £1 overdraft and nothing for being a husband/wife. You are actually overdrawn! In theory you now have no time for your relationship. You may well start to save a few pounds (hours) here and there and go on a holiday together spending all your time together but will come home to the same routine (overdraft)!
You must learn to budget with your time in order to equally balance your responsibilities with your relationship. Not just a few hours spent together on an annual holiday
Clearly a strange way to look at relationships however it is actually what you may well be doing with the 24 hours you have daily.
The only alteration is that you may well end up seeking relationship counselling rather than debt advice!
Remind Yourself Why You Are Together
Stop thinking you had your last first kiss when you married, that is such a negative thought to have. In the early days of dating different hormones were at play, the ones that gave you butterflies and a lack of appetite, the ones which made you nervous and excited.
When you marry or start living together the hormones at play are the ones that remind you that you love your partner but butterflies and excitement are a long distant memory particularly when the children take up most of your energy.
It may be time to book an appointment with yourself, sit back and remind yourself why you fell in love. Do not fall into the trap of believing your partner has changed, it may be that the two of you have but if you want to reconnect it is time to remind yourself of those 'good old days' which are there today if you just look closer.
Kind words will make you feel comfortable. Criticism will make you feel rejected. Harsh words will make you angry. Above all reassurance will bring the relationship comfort.

When you both communicate openly and honestly, you will develop respect and trust leading to a long term connection with one another rather than a disconnection.
De-escalate conflict & see the bigger picture.
be happy rather than be right
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