Birth Order concept stems back to the 1920s when Alfred Adler psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology suggested that birth order influences personality. Judith Harris has however suggested that birth order effects may exist within the context of the family of origin but that they are not permanent aspects of personality. (birth order personality is based on what family think of a person)
When there is a gap of many years between the first born and second born the second born will also share many qualities of a first born.
Spacing between siblings of five years or more lessens the effects of birth . Birth order effects change when dealing with different genders. A boy born after one or more girls or a girl after one or more boys, may be raised as a first-born.
So you have functional first borns a natural first borns.
Interestingly no matter what your birth order, there tends to be sibling rivalry when it comes to parents affections. The baby of the family will think the eldest sibling got the first and best of everything.
First born siblings can be envious that the middle one had the freedom to choose an independent path whilst all siblings complain that the baby (last born)gets away with everything.
The following are qualities first born children tend to exhibit.
Task Orientated Disciplined
Two first borns as a couple often want to be in control of every situation. They may fight over the most trivial of things. All relationships have these issues, but two first-borns may feel this far more than others in their relationship.
The following are qualities second born children display.
Inferior Complex
People pleaser
Good mediator
Second born children often feel inferior to older children as they do not possess the first-born skills of leadership. Second born and middle children will do things differently in order to stand out in the family hierarchy.
The following are the qualities last borns tend to display.
Risk taker
Unrealistic expectations Creative
The baby of the family tends to be the one who needs attention whilst the firstborn, who was alone for a while in the family, doesn’t need to seek attention, because he or she usually had lots of their parents attention early in life.
Only children have their unique way of handling ups and downs of life. Given that they have not had to compete for their parents attention and affections there are certain qualities they will carry through life with them.
• Craves attention
• High achieving
• Motivated
• Organised
• Over sensitive
• Perfectionist
• Self reliant
Have a read of First Middle Last and Only child astrological elements
Fire Aries Leo Sagittarius
Earth Taurus Virgo Capricorn Air Gemini Libra Aquarius and Water Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Where the first born has been taught to be a good role model for younger siblings and spent most of their childhood being the leader for siblings the last born would have spent their
childhood testing their boundaries whenever possible using their role as the baby to manipulate others in order to get their way.
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