why do people cheat in their relationships

There are certain hormones which play a part in sexual activity:

  • Lust -driven by the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen – in both men and women.
  • Attraction-adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin, the love bug stage, heart racing, pleasure and falling in love
  • Attachment-oxytocin and vasopressin, cuddle hormone and also released during orgasm in male and females, commitment and attachment in couples Ovulation and the need for intimacy

Females have far more oestrogen in their bodies than men, touch releases a chemical by the name of Oxytocin. During ovulation oestrogen levels are high which means even the slightest touch by a partner will have a profound effect compared to lots of touching with little effect during menstruation when oestrogen levels drop.

Due to this women feel the need to be hugged and held as touch plays such an important part in feeling secure in a relationship. Think of it as the calm cuddling hormone.

It is clear that the physical attraction drives a person to sexually cheat. It could be a one off where no emotional connection is present, moving to long term sexual cheating which will also involve the heart, a totally destructive situation.

A lack of self-esteem can lead a person to sexually cheat as they need to be reassured they are attractive to people. It will simply be a confidence booster.

Unfortunately there are those people who simply cannot commit to one person. These people are driven by their sexual desires and cannot and will not ever stop-it's as simple as that. The term 'player' rings a bell.

It is a sad truth that in today's world so many people are caught up working trying to make ends meet that by the time they get home they are totally exhausted and don't have the energy for words choosing rather to get down to the bedroom.

Relationships are prone to change according to time and personal circumstances.

It Is an inevitable part of marriage and relationships that things will turn sour at times, misunderstandings about how one partner treats the other partner. Perhaps when the relationship started one partner was all ears maybe now due to work or child commitments that ear has to share itself with other people.

Inevitably emotional needs will take the back seat and at the best of times will find themselves being fulfilled with a third person. This kind of problem is normally attached to women as they tend to cheat through lack of emotional support and will often say that the relationship had broken down long before this new person arrived on the scene.

The best way to address this issue is to ask yourself:

If you need a shoulder for the short term can you afford to lose what you already have for the long term.

Some zodiac signs are the masters of manipulation and know how to use words to their benefit even if it means betraying their partner.

Part of falling in love and wanting to grow old together is accepting that you both want to experience life changes together which can mean far less time spent together and yes a feeling of not spending enough time together but ultimately a life companion.

It is hard to find someone who knows the words you are speaking even when you are silent, but it helps to talk!

dont blame me !
blame the hormones !

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