Astrology doesn’t tell the future it does something much better. You get to know about a persons psychological makeup and their hidden drives providing an insight to the most hidden characteristics of their personality, from weakness to strengths no matter how much they try to hide it.
Astrology basics are the 12 signs of the zodiac
The Sun and 9 planets. The 12 houses of the horoscope and Aspects/Angles planets make to one another.
The planets represent different faces of who you are and express their energies through the signs that they occupy in your birth chart.
The Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars are the personal planets closest to that of the Earth, and therefore closest to our physical being which impact us on a personal level
whilst the Social planets are Jupiter Saturn and the Transpersonal planets Uranus Neptune and Pluto impact generations such as generation X Y Z.
Look at the Planets as 10 people who present themselves in different areas of your life. Some planets (people) are together in one particular area of your life whilst there may be no planets in some areas of your life. The planets/people make aspects (angles to one another) both positive and negatively which directly impact you
Look at this as two people who either hate or like one another.
If you have you ever been in a situation where a couple of your friends immensely dislike one another and when these two friends are invited to a social function everyone else in the room is on eggshells because of the negative energy of these two and the potential for what it will bring
The zodiac wheel is based on the sun's yearly rotation about Earth while the wheel of Houses is based on Earth's 24-hour rotation on its own axis. The planets are described in 2 ways: as being in a zodiac sign, and also as being in a House.
The 12 houses of the horoscope represent different areas of your life. The first house being Self through to the twelfth house being spirituality and the end of another season.
The Synastry chart is a bi-wheel chart superimposing, or overlapping of two birth charts. The interaspects between the TWO charts, and NOT the birth chart aspects are drawn up. You are looking at the contacts that the planets and angles in the inner wheel form with the planets and angles in the outer wheel. Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology studying how individuals interact with one another
With 10 planets and 12 areas on a birth chart - 2 areas of life will ultimately be without a planet. Sometimes 2 or 3 planets can be visiting the same house at the time of your birth leaving even more areas empty. Note which house/s have no planets. Perhaps your partner or child has planets visiting these houses in their birth chart.
No two birth charts will ever be the same.
Planets make seven main aspects/angles to one another
dictating how planets and zodiac signs interact
telling us whether that relationship between those planets will be one filled
with harmony or will be difficult the same as people whose interactions may be positive or simply challenging! This amazing insight is missed if you look only at Sun sign horoscopes.
We are so much more than just our Sun sign which represents our our ego. The Rising sign is the first impression we make, the different hats we wear is located in our first house of self, and personality. Do you show your inner personality to all the people you meet for the first time? Of course not! This is the effect of your rising sign.
If people assume you are a sign other than your own, don’t be surprised to discover that it’s actually because of your rising sign. You can also think of your rising sign as a filter of your Sun sign as it determines which shade of sign are you. If your Sun sign is Capricorn grey/brown your Rising sign defines which shade of grey/brown you are.
Comparing Birth Charts allows you to easily see the signposts for better understanding your relationships.
Connecting Astrology with Birth Order Sibling Rivalry and of course Parenting is the gold mine of information awaiting you. Do not forget....culture and religion play an enormous role in how everyone expresses their unique self.
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Connecting Relationships with your Sun Signs