Birth Order - First Middle Last Only
Birth Order concept stems back to the 1920s when Alfred Adler psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology suggested that birth order influences personality. Judith Harris a psychology researcher has however suggested that birth order effects may exist within the context of the family of origin, but that they are not permanent aspects of personality. (birth order personality is based on what family think of a person)
Birth Order is the rank of a child among their siblings such as first child second child last child
Interestingly no matter what your birth order, there tends to be sibling rivalry when it comes to parents affections. The baby of the family will think the eldest sibling got the first and best of everything. First born siblings can be envious that the middle one had the freedom to choose an independent path whilst all siblings complain that the baby (last born) always got away with everything.
The following are qualities first born children tend to exhibit.
Task Orientated
Looking at the younger siblings allows the first born to gain experience as the leader. Studies have linked firstborn children with higher academic achievement and possibly higher intelligence scores when compared to later-born children. This may be due to far increased interaction with parents.
Resentment can creep in towards siblings as parental attention has to be shared. In order to keep parental attention the first born tends to conform to the wishes of the parents or those in authority. Many first borns are often told to look after their siblings and set a good example to them. When doing so does not bring the parental affection needed first borns can rebel.
A consequence can be that parents will punish the first born for not achieving the goals set and failing to set a good example to the siblings. Famous First Borns Oprah, Hillary Clinton, Winston Churchill, Sylvester Stallone and Bill Clinton.
First Born Dating First Born
Two first borns often want to be in control of every situation. They may fight over the most trivial of things. All relationships have these issues, but two first-borns may feel this far more than others.
The key with this set of couples is that just as strongly as one of the couple feels committed to a particular project or
situation, the other will feel just as passionate and a compromise must be found. Look to their zodiac signs for a deeper understanding of their personal traits.
First Born Dating Middle Child
There is a risk that the middle child will mould themselves to the thinking of the first-born partner. This couples zodiac signs and planetary influences will give a better understanding of just how far the middle child will try to accommodate the first-born and how firm in their ways the first-born is.
The following are qualities second born children are likely to display.
inferior complex
people pleaser
Second Born Second born children often feel inferior to older children as they do not possess the first born skills of leadership. First-borns will have no sibling to have had to follow whereas second born and middle children will have their eldest sibling to look at as an example often competing with first born siblings doing things differently in order to stand out from the first born in the family hierarchy. Due to the attention given to first-borns and last-borns middle children can feel a bit left out or forgotten. Some are unable to find their place and will rebel or misbehave in order to gain attention. Younger children can also be bullied by middle children. Due to the skills learned at home such as the ability to compromise on a daily basis between siblings and parents, middle children can go on to achieve success in fighting the cause for other people virtually like the peacekeeper. Research has shown that middle children are actually the most successful. One of the most successful entrepreneurs of modern times, the Microsoft genius Bill Gates, is also a middle born. His remarkable ability to think outside the box and take moderate risks are attributes often found in middle-borns. Famous Second Born 52% of US presidents have been middle born children. First Born Dating Middle Child There is a risk that the middle child will mould themselves to the thinking of the first-born partner. This couples zodiac signs and planetary influences will give a better understanding of just how far the middle child will try to accommodate the first-born and how firm in their ways the first-born is. Middle Born Dating Middle Born Unlike two first-borns or two last-borns this relationship has the potential to go either way. We recommend you read your zodiac signs with particular attention to one another’s Mercury sign as communication will be so important in this relationship. Compromising with one another will be very important. |
risk taker
self centred
unrealistic expectations
Last Born
Last born children tend not to be very responsible as they have not been given the opportunity by their parents. Carrying the label ‘baby’ of the family can stay with last born children throughout life. The constant comparison with older siblings means that the last born of a family tend to grow up before their time in order to receive the same treats they feel their older siblings receive.
Some last born children are unable to make decisions or take responsibility as their parents and siblings take this power away from them. To gain some standing in the pecking order many last born children engage in sibling rivalry by teaming up with the first born against the middle born.
The baby of the family tends to be the one who needs attention whilst the firstborn, who was alone for a while in the family, doesn’t need to seek attention, because he or she usually had lots of their parents attention early in life.
This couple can really enjoy learning from
one another. Where the first born has been taught to be a good role model for younger siblings and spent most of their childhood being the leader for siblings the last born would have spent their
childhood testing their boundaries whenever possible.
Just how much these two can understand one another will depend on zodiac compatibility.
Last Born Dating First Born
The baby of the family tends to be the one who needs attention whilst the firstborn, who was alone for a while in the family, doesn’t need to seek attention, because he or she usually had lots of their parents attention early in life.
This couple can really enjoy learning from one another. Where the first born has been taught to be a good role model for younger siblings and spent most of their childhood being the leader for siblings the last born would have spent their childhood testing their boundaries whenever possible.
Just how much these two can understand one another will depend on zodiac compatibility.
Last Born Dating Middle Born
Middle born children know how to adapt themselves into the family mould. Therefore relationship success will depend on whether middle born can take on some qualities of the last born. This couple could have a lot of fun together however the question of which of the two would take the lead in the relationship depends on many of the other topics we discuss in this book.
If the middle born has some qualities of the first born this would help the relationship in terms of handling responsibility. It is very important that this couple sit down together and discuss which areas of responsibility lays with who such as finances and children.
F Eddie Murphy, Bill Gates, Jim Carrey, Ellen Degeneres, Deni DeVitoamous Last Born
Only children have their unique way of handling ups and downs of life Given they have not had to compete for their parents attention and affections
high achieving
over sensitive
self reliant
tast orientated
Only Child
Sometimes these children can be accused of telling tales when in fact it is almost the opposite. Piscean children like to add a bit more colour to a story hence their interpretation of a situation can come across as different to the facts.
Children who are raised without siblings are often high achievers academically with very good concentration skills. Only children do not have siblings to look at as examples or to play with and therefore spend more time with parents becoming older before their time similar to first-borns who spend time alone with parents before next sibling arrives. Only children can take on both first and last born personality traits.
Famous Only Child Anthony Hopkins, Al Pacino, Elvis Presley, Robert De Niro
Only Child Dating Any Birth Order
Many people assume that an only child will take on the traits of a first-born when in fact this can be misleading as an only child has not played the elder of the siblings nor learned to play leader.
Only child with a first born could be a good match if the only child hasn’t taken on the typical traits of a first born. The only child may find it hard to understand a last born as there would have been limited interaction with the kind of immature behaviour displayed by a last born.
It can be nice for the only child to be in a relationship with a middle child given that the middle child will have siblings who the only child can also interact with.
Kevin Leman (2000) suggests that there are nine important factors to consider when examining birth order:
age gap between kids
gender of each child
emotional differences
sibling deaths
birth order of each parent
relationship between two parents
blending of two families
critical eye of a parent
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