Earth l Mutable l Planet Ruler Mercury l Ruling House Sixth

Keywords: Humble-Patient-Intelligent
So many people say the virgo they are is nothing like what they read about in newspapers and websites. 100% right! Your rising sign holds the answer to that. Whilst it is fun reading about Sun signs you need to recognise that each Sun sign applies to 55 Million people on any given day.
Not exactly unique to the person however it is without doubt the tip of the iceberg and your core identity of how you express yourself through your element Earth which needs Water and seeks it in the form of a solid structure and respect from others.
As a mutable sign virgo along with gemini, sagittarius and pisces These signs end every season and know that all good things come to an end. mutable signs prepare everyone for the changing of seasons being adaptors of the zodiac a little older and wiser.
The signs and the planets all fall into one of twelve houses, the sixth house being "HOUSE OF DUTIES" is the natural house of virgo by virtue of the fact virgo is sixth in order.
The chart ruler is unique to each and every person. The rising sign also known as the Ascendant is specific to a particular time and place. The rising sign changes approximately every two hours, so you need to know your time of birth.

Your Rising Sign Colors The First Impression That You Make From Your Appearance To Your Attitude And Demeanor. Are You Warm And Welcoming Or A Little Awkward? .
virgo Is Ruled By Planet Mercury And The Influence Of Mercury Prevails For Your Sun Sign. If Sun Sign virgo Has aquarius Rising (aquarius Natural Ruler Is uranus), uranus Is Then The Chart Ruler In The First House Of "SELF" Governing Your Self Image. You Have A Mix Of earth virgo And Air aquarius In Your First House So When People First Meet You They Will See A Person Who Is Wearing The Camouflage Of aquarius A Very independent assertive person Who Once They Get To Know More Will See That You Are A virgo from the core who is a critical thinker paying attention to the smallest details which aquarius tends to get lost in! virgo With aquarius is an interesting personality which on one hand is approachable and then on the other side is very picky Always Holding Something Back Of Their Emotions. it is almost two opposites.
You can also think of your rising sign as a camouflage. As an aquarius rising sign defines what shade of aquarius you are. The absolute most important thing that we focus on is how a person has learned from their childhood how to present themself to friends work colleagues family and in their personal relationships. The camouflage (rising sign) guards a person's real nature and how they cope with everyday situations both positive and negative.
Moon In virgo show their at home qualities and can flip very quickly when there is a sudden change to routine
Mercury In virgo is at home and the manner in which you express yourself is concise and to the point. you are one of the zodiacs perfectionists by the way!
Venus In virgo whilst not the best at showing their emotions will take care of the feelings of those they love and care for even it it does mean critical love after all it serves a positive purpose.
Mars in virgo is on a relentless mission to be perfect in all things they do. at what price though. keeping yourself busy is the outlet to help you feel relaxed.

Make sure to look at how the energy of the Personal Planets Sun-Moon, Mercury Venus Mars the Social planets Jupiter Saturn and Transpersonal planets Uranus Neptune Pluto are communicated by yourself in your personal relationships and as a parent yourself.

First Middle or Last born virgo kids share typical virgo traits?
virgo grown up with sibling rivalry share the same typical virgo traits?
virgo from different religious cultural and family backgrounds share the same typical virgo traits?

Given that virgo will use a camouflage (Rising sign) to guard their feelings and inner self in different areas of their life, focusing your attention on Birth Order, Sibling Rivalry, Cultural and Religious beliefs will give you an in depth understanding of how virgo has learned to express their inherent qualities in their day to day life.
stability and loyalty is top priority when it comes to looking for a partner and this earth sign looks for quality not quantity in relationships, you will not find a long list of ex's hanging around.
for those zodiac sings who are looking for a partner who likes routine without any sugar coating this may well be the sign.
virgo is in it for long run and will respect you for the person you are however virgos critical attitude can be a relationship breaker.

Cultural/religious upbringing along with Birth Order, Sibling Rivalry and parental influence will always play its part in how a person behaves in their relationships. Despite the best synastry charts a person can be sucked into a rabbit hole if they fail to look at the whole picture - no matter how nice virgo Sun sign is and no matter how the relationship feels in the early stages no matter how much a person thinks they will be able to compromise no matter how much a person is trying appease their family it all amounts to heartache if you are not understanding or valuing yourself from the onset
As mentioned earlier different zodiac signs bring out different shades of the Virgo personality.
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