IS A source of pain and


Each zodiac sign brings their unique characteristic into their relationships. Aries Fire brings their passion and energy and Cancer Water brings their observant emotional nature to the relationship.

So what happens when Aries and Aries make parents or Taurus and Scorpio. Add to that the signs of the children born in the family. It is going to be fun at home!

The Aries Parent

These parents are full of fun and ideas for the kids and can at times be overly passionate about their ideas. Kids can join in with the fun and be a part of the energy force more

The Taurus Parent

Taurus parents have a good understanding of their kids and take things step by step. Kids need to show commitment to the things they start such as school work or career path and chores around the home to gain more

The Gemini Parent

The Gemini parent is a talker and knows how to communicate with the kids. These parents take an interest in almost anything the kids are doing. Kids who shy away from communication will more

The Cancer Parent

The shy crab comes out of their shell every so often to view the world and is fiercely protective of their children. When you have a mix of Fiery kids and Water parents there will more

The Leo Parent

The Lion is loving and protective of their family and wants to provide an excellent foundation for their kids. Pride is very important to the Leo and kids of this family must never more

The Virgo Parent

This parent has their set of rules which must not be crossed unless the kids of the home want to hear the criticism. The Virgo parent is happy to hear anything their kids say if it has more

The Libra Parent

Libra parents will always be looking to serve justice as the main course. With an immense dislike of arguments and disagreements there is a never ending supply of "if and what". Kids need to more

The Scorpio Parent

Wow what a cautious parent we have here. Solid as ice this Water sign has their boundaries which cannot ever be crossed! Being a loving caring parent Scorpio pretty much knows everything about what their kids more

The Sagittarius Parent

Ahhh for the love of freedom. These parents want to see the world for the beauty it has to offer and will want their children to share the same love for life. Whatever the kids in the family choose to do these parents more

The Capricorn Parent

Now we have reached the disciplinarian of the zodiac, the parent who expects their kids to work hard. These parents are very cautious and think things through many times before making a decision. A child with Aries Sun and Mercury in Leo will be an interesting more

The Aquarius Parent

What brilliant fixed ideas this parent has of what life is about and where it is heading, kids of this parent will need to display unique ideas before they will let their hair down more

The Pisces Parent

Nothing is too much for these parents, when the kids need parental permission a bit of butter melted tends to do the trick! Pisces is a Water sign with emotions running very deep, kids who repeatedly hurt their more


Congratulations and enjoy the amazing journey that parenting brings.

This journey comes with its incredible highs and testing times. We are told by so many parents that there was a time when their kids sat on their laps and as time has passed the kids have learned to sit on the parents hearts.


Endlessly parents say that their kids tell them they don't need to be told what is right and wrong yet ask for parental support empathy and sympathy.

When parents try to see things through the same lens as their children it helps them understand how their kids are feeling and shows the kids that their parents are taking them seriously. 

The extent to which parents are equipped to understand their children is often influenced by their culture, family background and generation. Parents from different cultures will respond differently to information they receive about children (Sistler and Gottfried, 1990).


  • Courage
  • Starter
  • Aggression
  • Passion


  • Determined
  • Stubborn
  • Routine
  • Materialistic


  • Communication
  • Curious
  • Knowledge
  • Nervous


  • Emotional
  • Protective
  • Sensitive
  • Indecision


  • Loyal
  • Fun
  • Romantic
  • Creative


  • Wisdom
  • Analytical
  • Practical
  • Critical


  • Compassionate
  • Diplomatic
  • Companionship
  • Balance


  • Transformation
  • Secrecy
  • Intense
  • Sensitive

The key is how parents interact with their children when emotions run hot.

Your child may be a Sun sign Gemini and can talk a good talk but their Moon sign may be Scorpio which means your child's emotions run very deep. If your child Mercury sign is Capricorn and their Venus sign is Cancer, this child will communicate well but will maintain immense privacy when dealing with their emotions.

You may have a meltdown on a bad day but Venus in Cancer child may not get over it when compared to a child with Venus in another sign. You may well feel like you walk on eggshells when trying to communicate with Venus in Cancer tween/teen.

What about your zodiac signs how do they compare with your childs and what about the siblings in the home and their zodiac signs. Which brothers and sisters are most likely to bond on a deeper level and which are literally toxic energy when around one another.



  • Enthusiastic
  • Freedom
  • Optimism
  • Exploring



  • Practical
  • Constant
  • Organised
  • Dependable



  • Innovation
  • Technology
  • Compassion
  • Conservative



  • Intuitive
  • Understanding
  • Sacrifice
  • Courage

As adults, we are usually busy as parents and workers and often feel stressed and experience burn-out at times, but would you ever think that children can experience stress too?

Most of us probably think that childhood is a time when children are carefree, having no worries or responsibilities; yet, studies tell us that many children experience extreme stress and have similar symptoms as those of adults. Like adults, children often have bad feelings and have difficulty handling their stress.

Unlike adults, children do not have the means or the skills to understand or manage their stress in appropriate ways. 


needs time to de stress


need to believe in their abilities


 need regular activities to calm that overly stimulated mind


needs to talk and not hide under the shell


 needs to accept the flaws just as much as their strengths


has to stop worrying about the what IFs and others problems


needs to stop worrying abut the pro and con of absolutely everything


 needs to stop being so sensitive and secretive allowing those within their circle  to know the boundaries


hates to feel tied down to any given situation; time outdoors feeds the restless person within


need to live for today and stop panicking about the unknown and relax


hate to be told what is right and wrong or being persuaded to do what is the 'norm' they need their space their time


is immensely private and finds it hard to stop interference but 'time out' helps

Guiding your child to build their confidence can help them resist negative peer pressure. It is important for you as parents to build up your child's self esteem and there are 12 different ways in which to do this according to your child's zodiac signs.

Whilst some kids want to be praised, cuddled and made to feel special, some kids are reserved and will not cuddle their parents nor will they communicate freely. Focus on your child's strengths and not their weaknesses and praise their efforts whatever the result.

Family is a workplace, a system an organisation where each member has their unique and complex role with its rules and expectations

As the structure of the organisation changes-tweens becoming teens-parents personal problems can impact the organisation as whole.

 How each member of the organisation interprets these rules is the key to the successful workings of the organisation. 

NOT everyone within the organisation will want to play fairly and the structure of the family ultimately absorbs the impact causing communication breakdown

Our 4 point system has helped many couples and families 

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